The Corporate Class ENHANCEMENT™

The Corporate Class Enhancement™ is a program enhancement designed for successful business owners. It emphasizes the integration of business and personal financial affairs to balance the risks of business with the security of personal finances. We understand the unique demands that a business owner faces, so we ensure that planning time is well-focused and efficient.

There are a variety of powerful, Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) registered and approved plans that have been created exclusively for successful Canadian business owners. Any business owner who has not explored the benefits of an Advanced Individual Pension Plan™ (AIPP), Retirement Compensation Arrangement (RCA), Wealth Protection Plan™ (WPP) or Employee Profit Sharing Plan (EPSP) may be missing out on some of the most powerful wealth-accumulation and tax-saving vehicles available to business owners.

This program enhancement is most appropriate for the successful business owner who wants to make the best use of the legal strategies written into the Income Tax Act specifically for Canadian business owners.
