Short-term and long-term planning during a crisis

By: Financial Planning For Canadians

Read More, and see what Scott Plaskett says about Short-term and long-term planning during a crisis

With all the health concerns Canadians are facing with the global COVID-19 pandemic, it’s easy to push financial planning to the wayside. But, if Canadians don’t keep a close eye on their money right now, serious problems could occur later on.

“We have to get past whatever is being thrown at us,” says Scott Plaskett, CFP®, CEO and Senior Financial Planner at IRONSHIELD Financial Planning. “If we have a job loss, a business slow down, or whatever it happens to be, an emphasis and focus needs to be on short-term planning.”

Returning to long-term planning, on the other hand, is a “guiding light” Canadians should work towards, Plaskett says, once they’ve overcome their immediate financial hurdles during a crisis.