Customer Testimonials
  Over the past few years, we have had some informal discussions about finances with you and I was really impressed with your knowledge. And, after a glowing recommendation from a mutual friend who is a client and seeing the hard work and focus you bring to your work, I decided to choose you and your firm to work with. Our decision to work with you was re-enforced by the level of service and attention we are given. Our conversations with you are thorough, well paced and easy to follow. You simply take your time to do things right. I really feel like you give your personal time and attention to our affairs that our business and our personal welfare really matter. Thanks Scott. 
Nanci Harris, Toronto, Ontario
  It wasn’t that there was any one main reason we chose to work with Scott, our financial planner at IRONSHIELD Financial Planning. In fact, it was because there were so many reasons! We appreciated the upfront, direct, and no stone unturned approach. We also recognized the genuine concern Scott had for our well being. 
Paul Freeburn, Etobicoke, Ontario
  My biggest concern after [my husband] died was weather or not I would be able to continue in retirement with the same level of income I was accustomed to.  This was a stressful time for me as he always took care of the finances and now it was left to me.  However, through your thorough analysis of my affairs using The KAIZEN Financial Planning Process™, I and my family felt very confident with the analysis received. 
Barbara Clark – Etobicoke, ON
  Can I be client of the month? I have successfully purchased a home, a patio set, a lawnmower and a hose. And, it was all made possible by saving 10% of EVERY dollar I ever made, balancing my chequebook, not using “non-bank” bank machines, checking phone booths and video games for quarters, picking up change on the street, and listening to my FABULOUS financial planners from IRONSHIELD Financial Planning. 
Laurie Nelson – Minneapolis, Minnesota
  IRONSHIELD Financial Planning exceeded our expectations and the fact that we have regular review meetings to ensure our plan is on track makes us feel extremely comfortable and confident about our financial future. 
Morrey Naihaus & Sherry Smugler – Toronto, ON
  In our opinion, after we became a client, our eyes were opened to new opportunities that we didn’t even know existed. 
Frank & Dina Ritacca – Toronto, ON
  I was referred to Scott by a colleague. I experienced an efficient, professional approach from the moment I entered the office. My goals and desires to become more active with my investments was met with a sincerity. Scott was warm and friendly. 
Beverly Bonk, Etobicoke, Ontario
  I really want to comment on our experience during the recent market meltdown.  You were there for us.  Guiding us through and always providing us with good explanations on how to manage through it.  It is always comforting to know that a review meeting is just around the corner and, should we need to speak to you between our review meetings, you and your team are always available.  In essence, we can tell you that you have fulfilled on your mission statement and helped us manage what we can’t afford to lose. 
Dave & Rosemary Johnston, Toronto, ON